Growing Your B2B Small Business with Robert Poole
Do you have a small business that sells to other businesses? If so, you probably know that there are plenty of resources for companies that market to consumers or companies who sell to large, Fortune 500 type companies. But what about the small businesses in the middle who sell to other companies. Where do we go to get answers? How do we grow our companies consistently while still keeping our sanity? That’s the question, and this podcast is the answer.If you're listening to this podcast, you're part of an elite group of achievers who aren't willing to settle for just a nine to five job. You are one of the heroes in our society and you should be proud of it. Welcome to the tribe and welcome home.
Growing Your B2B Small Business with Robert Poole
Preventing Buyer's Remorse
Robert Poole
Season 1
Episode 85
Have you ever bought something and then said to yourself shortly after, “why did I buy that?” Then you returned it or felt duped you bought it? This is classic buyer’s remorse. We’ve all experienced it in our personal lives. Buyer’s remorse can cause us to lose a lot of money in the short term, but the long term damage is much worse. Listen to find out how we can prevent buyer’s remorse.